Added the ability to sort by date or sentry event location.
Updated documentation to illustrate all available keystrokes.
Added keyboard shortcut "/" to jump to Sentry event.
Added keystrokes to allow clip selection and deselection without needing to use the mouse. Pressing "m" marks the current location in the scrubber as the start point for clip export (overlayed in green within the scrubber). Pressing "m" again at a new location marks the stop point for export. Likewise, the "option-m" key will mark the current location in the scrubber for deselection, and pressing "option-m" again in a new location will end the deselection.
Added a button to the lower right hand corner of the window to choose whether the playback controls are hidden when the mouse is moved off of the video viewer.
When viewing a clip, if the selected clip is deleted the next clip would previously get selected but the screen would remain black and it would require a reselection to actually display this clip. This has been fixed.
Clicking on a specific camera in the main window now only causes the scrubber to redraw if the clicked camera was not already shown in the scrubber.